Dermal Fillers


Nose Filling

Nose filling is an application for aesthetic purposes, not for health purposes. well If the person has difficulty breathing due to bone curvature, this discomfort does not eliminate it.

It lasts for an average of 1-1.5 years and its application takes approximately 15-20 minutes. After this procedure, the person can return to his daily life immediately. Your transaction is correct It is very important for the face-nose symmetry of the person to be applied by physicians. carries.

What is nasal filling?
Nose filler; the desired image by eliminating the gaps in the nose structure. used to reach. Thanks to the filling material applied to the necessary points It can give the nose a more upturned, symmetrical and harmonious appearance.

Which materials are used for filling?
Hyaluronic acid or the patient's own oil is used for nasal filling.

Is it a painful application?
It is not painful when the filling is made with hyaluronic acid.

In cases where it is done with fat injection, it is removed from the patient's abdomen or hip region. Fat must be removed by liposuction surgery. Because it will be done under anesthesia no pain is felt.

When filling is useful:
Filling gives shape and youthful appearance in many volume losses in the body. It is used to provide.

How is nose filling done?
When nasal filling is done using hyaluronic acid, first anesthetic is given to the patient. cream is applied. The desired numbness is achieved in about 30 minutes and Filling application with injection method to determined points performed..

When it will be done with fat injection, it must first be taken from a suitable area on the patient's body. liposuction fat is removed. Afterwards, this oil is injected into the required area.

In case of stem cell assisted fat injection, liposuction is required from the patient. The required amount of fat is taken by the surgery and sent to the Ministry of Health approved laboratory. sent. When the stem cells separated from the fat reach the desired number, It is mixed with the person's own oil and injected into the necessary areas by the doctor.

Who should apply nasal filling?
If the nose filling is made with hyaluronic acid, a plastic surgeon, dermatologist or It can be applied by a medical esthetician.

If it is done with fat injection, it is only done by the plastic surgeon.

Implementation Period
Filling application with hyaluronic acid takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour. lasts.

If the filling application is done by fat injection, the liposuction method is applied to the patient. fat removal, then making it to be injected and the injection must be done. The duration is approximately 2 hours.

If the fat injection will be applied with stem cell support, liposuction will be done beforehand. Taking fat from the patient and going to the Ministry of Health approved laboratory, then, when the cells reach the desired number, injecting them into the patient must. The surgery takes about 2 hours, the propagation of stem cells is 3-5 weeks. It takes about 30 minutes-1 hour and the application takes place.

Advantages of nasal filling
The biggest advantage of nasal filling is Rhinoplasty (Nose aesthetic surgery) or Tip Plasti (Nose tip aesthetic surgery) is not required. In such cases, the desired shape can be given to the nose. Cavities in the main bone A better profile image can be obtained by filling in. likewise the nose The tip deformities can be eliminated to a certain extent and the nose can be given a more upturned shape. image can be exported.

How long does the effect of nasal filling last?
If the nose filling is done with hyaluronic acid, the effect is 6 months-1 year, fat injection 2-3 years if done with stem cell assisted fat injection It takes about 5 years.

What are the disadvantages of nasal filling?
Nose filling has no disadvantages.

How is the recovery process in nasal filling?
If nasal filling is done with hyaluronic acid, it does not require a healing process, the patient As soon as he leaves the practice, he returns to his normal life. Oil injection or root If it is done with cell-assisted fat injection, the area where liposuction is performed 2-3 weeks for healing and complete disappearance of bruises and swellings in the nose lasts.

Who does not have nose filling?
Nose filling by an otolaryngologist or dermatology specialist Banned people are not treated.